Tag: emotional control

  • The Power of Neuroplasticity

    The Power of Neuroplasticity

    The brain is part of our body and works similar to a muscle. There are various ways to train the brain for achieving improvements, change and healing, but its a bit more complex than therapy for the rest of the body. Shad Helmstetter describes how the brain works, how emotions change the way we remember […]

  • The Body keeps the Score

    The Body keeps the Score

    Mind, brain and the body in the transformation of trauma … Author Bessel van der Kolk explains the influence of traumatic experiences on humans and their health. Traumata from childhood can often influence a person for the rest of their lives. They can cause us traders to experience emotions which we may not be fully […]

  • Anger Management for a Zen Mind

    Anger Management for a Zen Mind

    Easy to read and understand instructions for understanding emotional stress and their impact on our actions. Managing emotions with a Zen mind turns anger into love and understanding.