Hotel Reviews

  • Marina Del Rey Holiday Inn Express

    Marina Del Rey Holiday Inn Express

    “The location of this Holiday Inn Express Hotel in Marina del Rey is perfect for travelers who want to be close to Los Angeles International Airport without being exposed to the noise and pollution of the busy airhub. It’s just a 10 minute drive to the airport, 2 mins to the beach and 10 mins […]

  • Clarkton Hotel Angeles City

    Clarkton Hotel Angeles City

    “The Clarkton is one of the few older Angeles City Hotels that keep on improving their premises with new construction and better services. Unfortunately, most other hotels in the Philippines just run down their facilities without any maintenance until they collapse. It is refreshing to see how the German management keeps a well maintained business. […]

  • Miami Hialeah: Holiday Inn Express

    Miami Hialeah: Holiday Inn Express

    “A one night stay in Miami and I did not want to spend to much money. I was looking for a good location close to the airport as I was coming in from Orlando by car. The Holiday Inn Express in Hilaeah was a perfect choice. I booked it over the internet from the IHG […]

  • Holiday Inn Indian Rocks Florida

    Holiday Inn Indian Rocks Florida

    This is a great Florida hotel in Indian Rocks Beach. It is located in the Tampa Bay area close to Largo, St. Petersburg Beach, Treasure Island and Clearwater Beach. As a member of Priority Club I made advance reservation and was greated with vouchers for two welcome drinks upon check in at the lobby. Now, […]

  • Unknown Market Wizzards

    Unknown Market Wizzards

    The latest book of Jack Schwager’s Market Wizzards series deals about lesser known retail traders who have achieved outstanding results in trading the markets. Not all of them became rich, but they were able to beat the pros by wide margins in terms of percentage gains. Marsten Parker reveals his worst trade ever was a […]

  • The New Market Wizzards

    The New Market Wizzards

    This book is a compilation of interviews with a bunch of very successful traders who have achieved epic success in their career. While most traders don’t reveal much of their specific strategies their stories demonstrate how they achieve emotional balance and discipline to make the trades they did. There is one trader who actually does […]

  • The Power of Neuroplasticity

    The Power of Neuroplasticity

    The brain is part of our body and works similar to a muscle. There are various ways to train the brain for achieving improvements, change and healing, but its a bit more complex than therapy for the rest of the body. Shad Helmstetter describes how the brain works, how emotions change the way we remember […]

  • Disciplined Trader

    Disciplined Trader

    One of the bestsellers in trading books for good reason. Mark Douglas has a long history of trading and tudoring. He has the wonderful ability to comprehend and describe market behavior in rational ways allowing him to talk strategy without any emotional bias. He is one of the few guys who is able to look […]

  • The Body keeps the Score

    The Body keeps the Score

    Mind, brain and the body in the transformation of trauma … Author Bessel van der Kolk explains the influence of traumatic experiences on humans and their health. Traumata from childhood can often influence a person for the rest of their lives. They can cause us traders to experience emotions which we may not be fully […]

  • Anger Management for a Zen Mind

    Anger Management for a Zen Mind

    Easy to read and understand instructions for understanding emotional stress and their impact on our actions. Managing emotions with a Zen mind turns anger into love and understanding.

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